Friday 13 July 2012

A Wargaming Warrrior at her best !

Hi and Welcome to my blog

Well as you can tell I'm a Hellenic Pagan, but that is not all that I am, as it is only one small bit. So if you wann know about that part of my life then I suggest you look up my "Life of a Hellenic Pagan" blog post, where I talk more in depth of my spirituality and experiences with the Olympian Gods.

Anyhooo here i will be talking about the great, popular and yet ever so expensive wargaming hobby that is the world of WARHAMMER!!! The company Games Workshop (GW for short)  is ever evolving and recently have made a few changes to their hobby line both miniature wise, paints rules etc.   So what can you expect from me on this blog you ask? well lets see shall we:

"Warhammer Wednesdays"

Ai yi yi yi yiii .....If I had a battle cry, that would deffo be it lol Yes you guessed it, I am a huge Xena Warrior Princess fan, but as the title of this section says, its will be mainly to do with Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k, but mainly the Fantasy as, I am mainly big on the arts and crafts part of the Warhammer Gaming Hobby Industry so you will see a lot of  "How To..." articles on making terrain, painting techniques and army building etc. I will also post some of my YT vids that will be of relevance to the subject at hand as well as some YT users who may be of interest.


Here I will be covering the toys and collectables that i have obtained from my recent travels and such and so will be doing quick reviews and oppinions on them. I will also be posting up reviews on movies and TV series that I have watched too.

May the Gods keep you and stay in the fight